Larry Cline Photo Page...
Larry Cline Photo Page...
Welcome to the 511th MI Photo Page for Larry Cline...Couple of old (!!!!!!) photo's you may recall. One of Bob & buddies in the 511th comlpex. Another of my 1st promotion in Europe. Dunno what happened to Joe, however I visited his mother at JFK Int. airport while I was on emegency leave in June 1969. Paul went home to Western Port MD. and I think became a Penn. State policeman. Bobby was killed in a motorcycle accident in Sept 1972 just before a planned trip to visit me in WV. There are a few more pix in my archives I may add later. I am pleased that you have revitalized some great memories and made the 511th available again.
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LTC Thomas Dooley & new Spec 4 Larry Cline
LTC Thomas Dooley & new Spec 4 Larry Cline 
511th memorbilia in background including 'the sphinx'!